Health Outreach
The saying that a healthy person is also a wealthy person remains undisputable in our society and our time as people who are strong physically, mentally, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually can contribute and engage in any productive activities that will advance individual and societal course. However, the reality is that our people are suffering and a greater percent cannot afford good healthcare services due to the poverty level in our country.
This health outreach will be crucial as most of our people especially in the rural communities are unable to harness the potentials of preventive medicine simply because they lack the right information. Omo Alausa Foundation is geared to provide a robust extensive health programs in collaboration with health experts to our targeted individuals and communities in critical needs in the following order:
❖Free basic health screening for people.
❖Facilitating access to quality health services.
❖Free health education/awareness campaigns on topical health issues.
❖Free surgery and treatment for people who are sick and
❖Free education programs on self management Skills.
These programs will no doubt have a direct or indirect impact by improving health outcomes of individuals and communities.
Appeal for Support
Considering the enormity of the problems we are called to solve in our society and the limited resources of the Omo Alausa Foundation, we appeal to the general public, private individuals, multinational companies, corporate organizations, International Organizations and other notable philanthropic bodies to support our lofty vision and contribute towards improving the well-being of our people. Together we can create that ideal society of our dream.
Enquiries: 09122182929
Email: omoalausafoundation@gmail.com